Alumni Association

Bombay Hospital College Of Nursing, Indore

Bombay Hospital College of Nursing has a General Body of the Alumni Association, registered under government of India in Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act, 1973 on 16/11/22.


  1. Name
    The name of the association is The BHCONI Alumni Association.This association is an independent association of graduates of Bombay Hospital College of Nursing.
  2. Office
    The office of the association is located at the Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.
  3. Aims & Objectives
    • To establish a sense of spirit de corps among the members.
    • To establish a sense of spirit de corps among the members.
    • To provide opportunity to meet and share the experiences of the members periodically.
    • To encourage institutional loyalty and work towards educational excellence.
    • To uphold the dignity of profession and maintain the professional standard.
    • To provide financial assistance to needy members for educational activities.
    • To foster research.
    • To publish newsletter annually.
    • To conduct periodic in-service education.
    • To conduct developmental activities in the parent institution.
  4. Administration
    The administration of the Association shall vest in an executive committee, hereafter referred to as committee elected for the purpose.The committee consists of:
    • President, Principal, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.
    • Secretary, Faculty, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.
    • Joint secretary, Faculty, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.
    • Joint secretary, Faculty, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.
    • Editor, Faculty, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.
    • Executive member, Alumni members (Representatives), Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore
    • The term of office of the Committee shall be for a period of two year.
    • The term of office of the Committee shall be for a period of two year.
  5. Power and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee Members
    Subject to the consent of the General Body of the Association, the Executives have the following powers:
    • To manage all affairs of the Association, to incur and meet all necessary expenses.
    • To accept application for membership and enlist members.
    • To hold meetings of the Committee at least once in a year.
    • To publish a newsletter annually.
    • To conduct orientation programmes for its members in the interest of maintaining professional standards.
    • To implement all decisions taken by the General Body.
    • To fill up any casual vacancy in the committee by co-option.
  6. Duties of the Office Bearers President
    She will have control over the affairs of the Association and will preside over the Committee meetings and the meetings of General Body. She will have power to convene meetings of the committee and of General Body either on her own initiative or on the written requisition of at least 4 members in the case of executive committee and 25 members in the case of General Body meetings.


She will have the following powers:
  • To receive all application for membership and place them before the committee for enrolling members.
  • To maintain proper registers and records to keep in safe custody.
  • To keep regular account of income and expenditure of the association, and it will be presented to the general body for approval annually.
  • To convene meeting of the committee or of the General Body when authorized to do so by the President.
  • To keep a correct record of the proceedings of all Committee and General Body meetings.
  • To perform all other functions as may be assigned from time to time by the President or by the Executive Committee.
  • She will have the powers to operate the accounts of the association and to incur such expenditure as may be approved by the Committee.
  • She will get the annual statement of accounts prepared audited & such statements will be placed before the Committee and the General Body.


She will be responsible of maintaining the accounts of the income and expenses. Will have to present the accounts in the general body meeting and get approved. She will be operating the account of the association along with the Secretary.


She will be responsible for oversee the production of content for alumni newsletters with a keen sense of news and promotions

Committee Meetings

  • The Executive committee of the association will meet periodically.
  • The President will preside over all the meetings. In her absence, the Secretary will preside over the meetings.

General Body Meeting

  • The General Body ordinarily meet once in a year.


  • The association has a common seal. This would be in the safe custody of the Secretary
  • To have an Emblem.
  • Any document executed by the Association should be signed by the President and the Secretary.

Alumni Association Bombay Hospital College of Nursing


  • Prof. Dr. M.S. Vinsi (Principal)

Vice President

  • Prof. Dr. Amita Paul  (Vice- Principal)


  • Mrs. Priya Verma (Lecturer)


  • Mrs. Sonam Singh (Lecturer)

Executive Members

  1. Mrs. Leema Rose
  2. Ms. Priyanka Yadav
  3. Ms. Krina Patel